Dear Reflex Families,
The health and well-being of our students and families continues to be our first priority, and we’re working hard to prepare the gym for reopening. The Governor announced that gyms are able to reopen as of Monday, May 18th. However, out of an abundance of caution we have decided to keep our doors closed for an additional 2 weeks until June 1st.
We are all looking forward to reconnecting with our Reflex families and are optimistic that we will all emerge from this ready to thrive once again.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, we recognize that our gym must adapt our ways of operating in order to promote social distancing and increase our sanitation efforts. We have been working hard to prepare our gym and staff for this new way of life under our new operation guidelines.
Update January 5th, 2022
We have been notified that individuals who attend Reflex have tested positive for COVID. With this news and the rise in COVID cases in Florida following the holiday break, we wanted to re-address our COVID policies. Throughout this pandemic we have looked to larger entities such as the CDC and the Orange County Public School system to guide decisions regarding COVID management. At this time, we are following the OCPS guidelines for case management which are as follows:
1. Exposed to COVID-19 positive case
Parent’s Choice
Student remains in school (gym) if they are asymptomatic
Student quarantines up to 7 days (no more than 7 days) since the date of exposure to positive individual
Symptomatic or Covid-19 positive
Return after
Student receives a negative test and is asymptomatic
OR10 days have passed since symptom onset or positive test result, the student has had no fever for 24 hours and the student's other symptoms are improving
ORStudent receives written permission from a healthcare provider to return to school
Exposed to COVID-19 positive case
Individual continues to work or attend class if they remain asymptomatic
See Section 4
Symptomatic or COVID-19 positive
Return after
Individual receives a negative test and is asymptomatic
5 days have passed since symptom onset or positive test result, the individual has had no fever for 24 hours, and the individual's other symptoms are improving; individual should wear a mask for 5 days after return.
Due to the nature of our facility, it is difficult to perform contract tracing with the same degree of accuracy as classroom settings. Our open floor plan creates an environment which is too complex to track students who have been within 6 feet of other individuals. Therefore we are unable to perform contract tracing. We encourage all families to exercise caution and strongly encourage masks.
Click here to view a list of active COVID cases
*Outdated* Update: October 7th, 2021:
Thank you to all of our customers who have supported us during this time! We have updated some of our COVID procedures.
At this time we are no longer checking temperatures at the door. We encourage all adults to wear masks and require all staff to wear masks. We are no longer asking parents to check-in at the check-in tent, and no longer having parents pick-up their child in the pick-up line.
OUTDATED** June 1st, 2020:
We would like to share just a few of the many things we have done to reach our goals for reopening. Please keep in mind that as new information becomes available, our reopening plans may have to change. The health and safety of our students is our number one concern:
Class Structure:
- We have purchased 2 touchless temperature monitoring thermometers. During check-in, all students and staff must undergo our touchless temperature monitoring and have a temperature of less than 100°F.
- Anyone who is coughing will not be permitted to classes. While we understand that your child’s coughs are most likely due to allergies or illness unrelated to COVID-19, we must take extra precautions during this time. Our flexible make-up policy will allow students who are not permitted to attend class to make-up these missed classes at a later date.
- We are organizing our class schedule & lesson plans to maintain 6’ of physical separation between students.
- Children will maintain their own training spaces in order to eliminate waiting in lines. Velcro floor markers will be provided for establishing distancing.
- We will be designing our lesson plans to limit hands on spotting of athletes for the initial stage of our reopening – hands on spotting would only be for safety purposes only, not for body shaping and new skill acquisition.
- During class dismissal, staff members will line students up at the exit of the building, using the floor markers for space-distancing. Hand sanitizer will be distributed upon their departure and will exit the building one at a time. The exit will not be the same as the entrance.
- For the health and safety of our students, we have exceptionally limited seating in the lobby for parent viewing. Priority will be given to parents of participating athletes under 5 years of age. Once we reach capacity, we will be asking parents to return at class dismissal to pick up their children in order to promote social distancing. We ask that spectators please be courteous of other parents who also want to view their children in class, and to consider only watching partial classes and to not occupy the limited seating every week. Front Desk staff will be cleaning the seats as people leave before permitting new people from entering the lobby. While we understand that limited seating is not ideal, we feel it is the best option for the safety of our community. We thank you for understanding and your continued support. If you are the parent of a child has a disability or who needs special supervision, please email the front desk at so we can work towards reserving a spot for you.
Sanitation Procedures:
- Reflex front desk staff are assigned to clean the lobby surfaces, floors, and bathrooms every 30 minutes with hospital grade disinfectant.
- Reflex staff will be cleaning and sanitizing between rotations and between all classes of all areas that children come in contact with.
- All students will be required to bring in their own labeled water bottles. The water fountain will be closed except for the bottle filling station.
- Staff will be required to use face masks during the initial phase of reopening
- The entire gym will be fogged nightly with a hospital grade disinfectant.
Other important notices:
- Open gym, birthday parties, and other events will be closed until further notice.
- Summer camp registration will be strictly limited to 30% of our usual camp capacity for the first week in order to promote social distancing. Please be advised that space may be limited for the rest of the summer as new information becomes available. Field trips have been cancelled for this year; however, we plan on having shows and other exciting activities brought to us. Summer camp is first come, first serve and no walk-ins will be permitted until further notice. Summer camp registration is by whole weeks only until further notice at $180 per week. Campers and staff will have their temperature monitored a second time at lunch.
Billing information:
- We understand that there are families that are unable to return at this time. It is important to us that you are able to make the most comfortable decisions for your own family.Please email explaining your circumstance. We will do our best to work with customers on a personalized basis so that every customer’s individual needs are met.
I would like to invite parents to fill out our COVID-19 reopening survey. We appreciate feedback from our families so that we can all work together to promote health and wellness in our gym and in our community. Thank you for taking time to reply as this will go a long way to make the best plan for schedules, times and policies. If you have any additional comments or concerns, I invite you to contact me personally at
With appreciation,
Janean Bartman
General Manager
Reflex Gymnastics